Experience Your Self Realization
I bow to all the seekers of truth. As I told you yesterday that truth is truth, and cannot be changed, or cannot be molded and cannot be organized. And if we are the seekers of truth, we have to keep our minds open about it. Absolute truth you can only find after Self Realisation. Because the self itself, your Spirit itself is the embodiment of truth.
— H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, 08 July 1988, Paris, France
It is everyone’s right to achieve this state of one’s evolution and everything necessary is already inbuilt. But as I respect your freedom, you have to have the desire to achieve this state, it cannot be forced upon you.
— H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

You can receive your Self Realization (connection with your Self) while sitting in front of your computer. The only condition is your sincere desire to have it. During the experience you will keep your left hand with the palm upwards on your lap and place the right palm on various parts of the body on your left side, while keeping your eyes closed for the entire duration. This way you will be free of distractions and able to keep your attention inside. Taking off your shoes might also help since the Mother Earth sucks all negativity through our feet.
I invite you to this feast of Divine Bliss, which is pouring around you, even in this Kaliyuga, in these God-forsaken modern times. I hope you will come and enjoy the spiritual experience of the Life Eternal.
— H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi (Part of the letter written in 1972 during Her trip to America)
Now, at the end of the guided meditation, notice whether you feel relaxed and whether your thoughts have calmed down or gradually disappeared. This is the first state of meditation – thoughtless awareness. It is a state of pure and peaceful awareness of yourself and your surroundings.
Now see if you can feel a sensation of a gentle cool breeze on your palms and above your head over the fontanel bone area. It might be warm in the beginning which is a sign that your Kundalini energy is purifying your subtle system, but it will eventually cool down. You can verify it by placing your left palm slightly above your head, then trying with the right palm.
If you are not able to feel it, it can be for a number of reasons. One of the most common is that we are not able to forgive. It may help if you say from your heart, “Mother (or if you prefer to say Shri Mataji), I forgive everyone” a few times and check again if you feel the cool breeze above your head.
This is the beginning of your inner journey into a new realm of eternal spiritual existence, which you can now explore in complete peace and harmony. By maintaining this new awareness through regular meditation, you will be able to feel the state of your own subtle system as well as that of other people on your fingertips and correct them with your own innate spiritual energy (Kundalini).

What to Do after self Realisation?
There is no hard and fast rule about how to do it. Now, when you have taken your realization, please go to our centers and learn from there. So, I have no ways and methods. Go to Sahaja Yoga centers. People who already practice will tell you how to practice it and how it should be done. For every individual, Sahaja Yoga has something different to share. So, go to our centers. You will understand yourself, how you can attain your own qualities imbedded within you, and your qualities will progress and you will realize yourself.
— H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, 23-03-1993, New Delhi (India)
As one gets the Self Realisation, the energy centers or chakras in the spinal cord or the central nervous system gets synchronized with the Divine Cosmic Energy for the first time. This positive energy starts flowing within the central nervous system and starts enlightening all the dormant nerves in the Chakras (energy centers). Self Realisation is the most scientific and spontaneous method of meditation gifted to Humanity by H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi by which we can achieve our physical, mental, emotional balance and spiritual ascent, thereby healing all our significant organs, thus achieving a healthy body, intelligent mind and beautiful soul.
Weekly visit to Sahaja Yoga meditation Center is as much important as daily meditation at home. We not only add to our knowledge by listening to the lectures of Shri Mataji, but the collective vibrations help to heal and energise our subtle system and the Kundalini Power.