Experience Sahaja Yoga Meditation
The time has come for all of you to get your self-realisation, by which your attention becomes enlightened, your health gets completely all right, your mental processes are sensible, but above all you stand in your present.
— H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, 29.09.1994, Los Angeles, USA

What is Meditation?
We cannot meditate. We can only be in meditation.
If you are effortless, meditation will work the best.
Meditation means exposing yourself to God’s grace, and the grace itself knows how to cure you
 – H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Self realisation and Kundalini Awakening
Now, the time has come — the blossoming time — for many people to get Realisation. They have to get it. This is predicted: the time has come that you all have to get Realisation.
– H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, 14.08.1980, Preston, UK.
The truth is, first, that you are not this body, this mind, these conditionings, or ego — you are pure spirit. The second truth is that there is an all-pervading power of divine love that works out all the living work.
– H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, 24.07.1992, Public Talk, Paris Gaveau France.

Everyone Needs Meditation
Today all of humanity is shaken up and going through unprecedented times. Taking care of personal health has never been so crucial. Everyone needs to take a pause and look within their inner being. But how do you achieve balance, relieve stress and improve health? Meditating every day is the key to unlocking the power within each of us.

Sahaja Yoga is Transformational
Sahaja Yoga begins with an experience that is effortless, and spontaneous. With this very first experience (known as Self-Realization) you gain a new dimension in your awareness and witness the absolute truth. Anybody can do it. Practice for a few days and you should witness positive changes within yourself.

Unlock The Benefits Today
Once you start meditating regularly, there is a wide range of benefits you can tap into – from stress reduction, strengthening attention span, improving memory, and boosting confidence to attaining higher spiritual awareness – the list goes on. You can chart your own path. All you need is a pure desire to begin your journey.
Get started!

How to Start
1. Get your Self Realization
2. Learn and Practice the Basics – How to Meditate Everyday
3. Meditate daily morning and evening and attend at least one collective meditation in a week
4. Listen to Shri Mataji’s talks to ascend and get the counsel.
5. Learn and Use Mantras/Treatments to strengthen your channels and chakras and attain better meditative state

The Kundalini
Your inner energy, or Kundalini, is a soothing spiritual energy that lies dormant at the base of the spine. It is an expression of the pure desire to evolve and better ourselves, something we all possess. When awakened, it rises through the central channel, clearing and activating your chakras. It allows you to achieve your Self-Realization.

Energy Channels
There are three main energy channels (nadis) in your body – left, center, and right. They correspond to your nervous system and connect your chakras. All three work together in synchronicity to integrate and balance your inner energy, and thus your well-being. Each has a specific role to play.

The Chakras (energy centers) are the fulcrums that control most aspects of our physical, mental, and spiritual lives. Chakras are located at the sites of our main nerve plexuses. Often, difficulties in life can be traced to imbalances or blockages in one or more chakras.

Sahaja Yoga was founded in 1970 by Nirmala Srivastava (1923-2011), known by millions of Her spiritual followers as Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi. Shri Mataji discovered a technique to awaken the Kundalini energy within human beings. She dedicated Her life to teaching people of all nationalities, races, and religious backgrounds how to use Sahaja Yoga to better theirs. She envisioned the regular practice of Sahaja Yoga producing evolved societies, where people lead joyful, balanced lives.
Benefits of Sahaja Yoga
Improved Mental, Physical, Emotional and Spiritual Health
Sahaja Yoga makes a person calm and peaceful, helping lead a more meaningful life to cope up easily and effectively with the situations, strains and stresses of life.
Loving Family and Compassionate Society
The benefits of Sahaja Yoga accrue not only to the individual but also to society, to the nation and ultimately to the entire humanity.
From Religion to Spirituality
Sahaja Yoga integrates all major religions of the world. Sahaja yoga is practiced by people irrespective of one’s caste ,creed, race, religion and nationality, worldwide, in over 130 countries.
In Sahaja Yoga follow your experience not what we say
Based on Vibratory Awareness attained after Self Realisation and establishment in Sahaja Yoga meditation, the seeker can judge the truth of vibrations themselves.
Health Benefit as a Byproduct of Kundalini Awakening
The seeker benefits through inner cure naturally as byproduct of Kundalini Awakening while improving harmony and love in family life and social relations.
Discover your Persona free from stress, tension and worries
One becomes courageous, confident, loving, peaceful and joyous and develops artistic talents. It is an entirely scientific experience with no scope for blind faith.

Its Free
Self-Realisation is Priceless
“So one should understand that you are not to pay for this. You are not to pay for what I say to you, or for my lectures, or anything, or for your Realisation, not at all, not a single pie for that. You cannot pay for it. It is so invaluable. … It is absolutely overflowing. It’s absolutely freely coming to you. So you cannot pay for it. It’s Love, and Love you cannot purchase.”
– H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, London, 1982