Popularly addressed as Shri Mataji by the practitioners, H. H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi gave this unique gift of Self-Realization (Sahaja Yoga) to mankind on 5th May 1970. H. H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, was born on March 21, 1923 at exactly twelve o’clock on the day of the spring equinox in a town in Chindwara the geographical center of India.
In Shri Mataji’s words, Meditation means exposing yourself to God’s grace, and the grace itself knows how to cure you.

Now when I’m talking to you, you are all very well-versed and very well-educated people. I have to request you to have an open mind, a scientific outlook to see for yourself if what I say is the truth or not, experience it, and treat all this talk as a hypothesis. And if it turns out to be the truth, then in all honesty we have to accept it​
– H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Sydney, Australia

Shri Mataji travelled across the world to share this knowledge (Sahaja Yoga) and gave self-realization to millions of seekers. Also, seekers could achieve spontaneous state of Meditation (thoughtless awareness) in her presence. Shri Mataji stated that the same can also be achieved through her original photographs as they emit the same vibrations.
So, all Sahaja Yoga Practitioners use Shri Mataji’s photograph for self-realizations and meditation (self-practice or others practice). Shri Mataji’s photograph has become even more important after her departure from this physical world in 2011.
Shri Mataji continues to touch the lives of each and every Sahaja Yoga practitioner, as for them she is their guru, teacher, eternal guide and above all the Mother who always keeps on transforming their lives through her ever-flowing love.
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi is unique in the history of spirituality because she is the first and only one to offer the experience of self-realization en masse. She declared that it is the birthright of all human beings – regardless of religion, race, nationality or circumstance – to receive their self-realization. She also insisted that one cannot pay for the truth or for self-knowledge, thus self-realization (and practice of Sahaja Yoga) has always been, and continues to be, offered free of charge.
It is very difficult to tell about Shri Mataji in words. We can understand Shri Mataji more by experiencing Sahaja Yoga. The more we meditate, the more we know her every day. You can discover more about Shri Mataji in our meditation sessions. By means of Sahaja Yoga Meditation and her talks we get the nourishment, the comfort and the counsel to evolve.